A phone interview was recorded with Mrs. Prinsenberg from Gouda. (24 January 2025).
She was 4 years old at the time and had only one memory of the food drops and that was that she looked out from the Graaf van Kloisstraat towards the old Sint Josef hospital; a little to the left of which she saw planes dropping packages during the day. She was not allowed to go there. She did not know how they knew it was food instead of bombs, because normally she would go into the cellar at air movements over Gouda.

Looking forward to the following interviews:
Mr. Adrie Hofstede, Gouda, 10 years in 1945 | 30th January 2025 |
Mr. H. Kulik, Gouda, 8 years in 1945 | 31st January 2025 |
Mr. and Mrs. Schenk, Gouda, 7 years in 1945 | 31st January 2025 |
In addition, we found eyewitnesses of the food droppings 80 years ago in Canada (via the amateur radio community) and in Germany (via contacts at work of one of the team members). We expect to have written reports available for this website by the start of the commemoration event.